Must Visit Cartagena Restaurants in the Walled City

Must Vis­it Carta­ge­na Restau­rants in the Walled City. Carta­ge­na has the best restau­rants in Colom­bia hands down. How­ev­er, with so many options to choose from it can become over­whelm­ing. Fur­ther­more, some of the top rat­ed restau­rants are not the best. The fol­low­ing list is the offi­cial must vis­it Carta­ge­na restau­rants in the walled city. How­ev­er, most require reser­va­tions. Any of the top hotels will glad­ly make a reser­va­tion for you. For deals on Carta­ge­na hotels click this link.


From the cre­ators of Car­men Restau­rant comes Moshi, an ode to Asian cui­sine seen through the lens of Caribbean ingre­di­ents. The menu in inspired by local fla­vors and inter­pret­ed into dish­es from all over south-east Asia, cre­at­ing an inno­v­a­tive fusion.

Ele­gant, mod­ern and exclu­sive sur­round­ings are home to the ‘Omakase’ tast­ing menu. Includ­ing cours­es with sushi, cevich­es, seafood, as well as meat and rice prepa­ra­tions. Whether in the open-air lounge or at the sushi bar in front of the kitchen. Moshi guar­an­tees a deli­cious and unique din­ing experience.


This ancient Clar­ist din­ing room is home to the award-win­ning restau­rant 1621. Ranked as one of the top five restau­rants in Colom­bia. 1621 is led by the exec­u­tive chef Dominique Oudin. Fur­ther­more, Oudin pre­pares con­tem­po­rary gas­tro­nom­ic cui­sine by com­bin­ing French culi­nary tech­niques. With the fresh­est ingre­di­ents of the Colom­bian Caribbean coast.

Five-time win­ner of the pres­ti­gious Wine Spec­ta­tor Award of Excel­lence. 1621 offers an exten­sive wine list with vari­eties from more than 14 coun­tries. A cre­ative and exclu­sive gourmet offer. Fur­ther­more, per­son­al­ized ser­vice and a charm­ing ambiance, makes 1621 a must-vis­it in Cartagena.


Sit­u­at­ed in a beau­ti­ful, ele­gant and inti­mate colo­nial house down­town, Car­men offers con­tem­po­rary cui­sine with an empha­sis on Colom­bian fla­vors. Mod­ern tech­niques and cre­ative prepa­ra­tions give life to deli­cious dish­es. Dish­es inspired by local ingre­di­ents. Like crab, Caribbean spiny lob­sters, red snap­per as well as duck and pork bel­ly chicharron.

It is evi­dent at Car­men that love is in the details. Fur­ther­more, atten­tive ser­vice, world class cui­sine, a care­ful­ly select­ed wine list. Inno­v­a­tive craft cock­tails and var­i­ous din­ing ambiances ensure guests a tru­ly unique culi­nary experience.

El Santisimo

This renowned, award win­ning restu­arnt boasts 20 suc­ces­ful years, offer­ing exquis­ite fla­vors and tex­tures to lovers of fine cui­sine. Fur­ther­more, the culi­nary expe­ri­ence runs through the veins of this kitchen. A kitchen which has spent many years cre­at­ing dish­es based on the French Cor­don Bleu gourmet technique.

Fur­ther­more, this is fused seam­less­ly with a team of local chefs who have tak­en the food in a dif­fer­ent culi­nary direc­tion. Putting Colom­bian fla­vors at the forefront.

Be sure to try the catch of the day and delight your taste buds with the fresh fruits and veg­eta­bles. El San­tisi­mo loves to cel­e­brate with din­ers (so, make this the place to spend your birth­day or anniversary).


From the own­ers of El San­tisi­mo comes Malan­ga. Malan­ga seeks to cre­ate a place full of fla­vor, col­or and fresh­ness. Using age-old ‘cata­gen­ero’ fla­vors and textures.

Choose one of its three ambiances with­in this vibrant green house. Fur­ther­more, enjoy the delec­table cre­ations: from the square, the bar, or one of the air-con­di­tioned din­ing rooms on the sec­ond floor.

Delight in arti­sanal cock­tails made with the finest ingre­di­ents. And costeño dish­es that are much loved by the locals. Fur­ther­more, they are pre­pared with a spe­cial twist to please one and all.