
Pow­ered by a mix of breath­tak­ing film, 4D tech­nol­o­gy, and immer­sive sen­sa­tions, “The Arc­tic Refuge Expe­ri­ence: Step in Step up” is a one-of-a-kind sen­so­ry art instal­la­tion that will allow vis­i­tors to expe­ri­ence a year in the Arc­tic Nation­al Wildlife Refuge in Alas­ka with­out leav­ing Brooklyn.

The pop up is the brain­child of The Wilder­ness Soci­ety, Future Colos­sal, and This Expe­ri­ence is a cut­ting-edge con­ser­va­tion tac­tic, dri­ving vis­i­tors to a shared expe­ri­ence to stir col­lec­tive action. The goal is to draw atten­tion to the Arc­tic Nation­al Wildlife Refuge, one of the few unde­vel­oped places on Earth. Why? Because after decades of pro­tec­tion, the Refuge is fac­ing a seri­ous threat of oil and gas drilling.

The pop-up’s goal is to moti­vate social­ly con­scious young peo­ple to #Pro­tectT­heArc­tic by immers­ing them in the sights, tex­tures, and smells that are being threat­ened. The Expe­ri­ence will be in Brook­lyn  for a lim­it­ed time, from Octo­ber 24 through Octo­ber 27.

Open to the Public:

Thurs­day Octo­ber 24 2019 through Sun­day Octo­ber 27th 2019

Hours of Operation:

Thurs­day Octo­ber 24 – Sat­ur­day Octo­ber 26:  12pm-8pm

Sun­day Octo­ber 27: 11am‑7 p.m.

Loca­tion: 25 Kent Ave Brook­lyn, NY 11249

Tick­et Infor­ma­tion: Tick­ets are $10 | Link

Chil­dren under 13 are free

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